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Kiss me, I'm Catholic.
Saturday, July 31, 2004
The Return of the Catholica (or, the Meredithiad)
Sing, goddess, the rage of Meredith,
and its devastation, which brought pains thousandfold
upon the messageboards and their swift-fingered denizens,
who delight in pouring out wine-dark calumny to sour the day
for passers-by: Catholics from various places,
St. Blog's and Phatmass and the Trad Catholic forums...
Indeed, I have been busy lately. I've been reading the Illiad for school (I'm going to Christendom in two weeks), and it's been slow going. It's very dense, and I have trouble keeping the events in order. I've been babysitting three little girls every day (now I'm finally done with that job), and for the first time I actually encountered one of those wacked-out fundamentalist message boards - you know, the ones where they can't decide whether Catholics worship Mary, the sun, or perhaps pinecones - and I started writing messages. Now I know why most people just give up. Alcovey and I tried to show Tan how ridiculous his ideas about the "paganism" of Catholic symbols were by "proving" that the cross and the fish were pagan. He freaked out, and then said something to the effect of, "Okay, if I throw out my crosses and fish symbols, you have to throw out your statues and rosary beads, alright?" *facepalm*
If you want to take a swing, here's the board: Catholic Reformation. Budge and Tan are the two main Protestant debaters. It's really sad; most of the protestants there are ex-Catholics who were brought up in wretched heterodox parishes, and they are justly revolted by the modern scandals. They seem more willing to listen to Trads... anyway, if you haven't mortified yourself enough today, you could always put in some work at this place. Bleh.
In other news....
The Shrine of the Holy Whapping is a year old toda- er... a fortnight ago! But I can still celebrate it because Matt has declared an octave of partying that will peter out on... oh, Monday. In honor of the Shrine's birthday, here is a link to one of Matt's best Roman romances: A Seacoast in Bohemia. Never will I forget his description of an Eastern bishop as "Tsar Nicholas II dressed as a disco ball."
"After an incongruous and short interlude passing through the closed-down gift-shop, we began to burrow into the earth, under pale stony arches and past faded frescoes of St. Clement’s legendary tomb beneath the waves. It had stood visible at low tide on the shores of the Crimea and the images showed processions back and forth full of candles, gleaming lamps and mitred pomp, just as we were doing. An amusement to postmodernists, life imitating art—but for us it was simply life as usual, the endless interwoven Celtic-knotwork world of Catholicism where history and reality blurred into one seamless whole."
Ah, when will he publish the book?
My friend Alex sent me the violin part for Mozart's Sinfonia Concertante, which is a wonderful richly layered piece that - well, it's like a double concerto for violin and viola, but it's a symphony at the same time - the orchestra part is so involved that it could stand on its own much of the time. Anyway, when Alex gets back from his super-intense music camp we're going to play it together. Yay!
Brian changed the name of his blog to In Pectore: Annúlond. This made me realize that I had forgotten to link to him. Fixed that! Go read his post on the theology of Middle Earth and the Elvish neologisms he created to express said theology. It is lovely.
There is now another Belloc text on the Blackmask site: The Historic Thames. Good thick English history.
It [the White Tower] was handed over to Louis of France upon his landing, and during the next reign almost every misfortune of Henry III. is connected with the Tower. He was perpetually taking refuge in it, holding his Court in it: losing it again, as the rebels succeeded, and regaining it as they failed. This long and unfortunate tenure of his is illumined only by one or two delightful phrases which one cannot but retain as one reads. Thus there is the little written order, which still remains to us for the putting of painted windows into the Chapel of St John, the northern one of which was to have for its design “some little Mary or other, holding her Child”—“quandam Mariolam tenenten puerum suum.” There is also a very pleasing legend in the same year, 1241, when the fall of certain new buildings was ascribed to the action of St. Thomas, who was seen by a priest in a dream upsetting them with his crozier and saying that he did this “as a good citizen of London, because these new buildings were not put up for the defence of the realm but to overawe the town,” and he added this charming remark: “If I had not undertaken the duty myself St. Edward or another would have done it.”
and its devastation, which brought pains thousandfold
upon the messageboards and their swift-fingered denizens,
who delight in pouring out wine-dark calumny to sour the day
for passers-by: Catholics from various places,
St. Blog's and Phatmass and the Trad Catholic forums...
Indeed, I have been busy lately. I've been reading the Illiad for school (I'm going to Christendom in two weeks), and it's been slow going. It's very dense, and I have trouble keeping the events in order. I've been babysitting three little girls every day (now I'm finally done with that job), and for the first time I actually encountered one of those wacked-out fundamentalist message boards - you know, the ones where they can't decide whether Catholics worship Mary, the sun, or perhaps pinecones - and I started writing messages. Now I know why most people just give up. Alcovey and I tried to show Tan how ridiculous his ideas about the "paganism" of Catholic symbols were by "proving" that the cross and the fish were pagan. He freaked out, and then said something to the effect of, "Okay, if I throw out my crosses and fish symbols, you have to throw out your statues and rosary beads, alright?" *facepalm*
If you want to take a swing, here's the board: Catholic Reformation. Budge and Tan are the two main Protestant debaters. It's really sad; most of the protestants there are ex-Catholics who were brought up in wretched heterodox parishes, and they are justly revolted by the modern scandals. They seem more willing to listen to Trads... anyway, if you haven't mortified yourself enough today, you could always put in some work at this place. Bleh.
In other news....
The Shrine of the Holy Whapping is a year old toda- er... a fortnight ago! But I can still celebrate it because Matt has declared an octave of partying that will peter out on... oh, Monday. In honor of the Shrine's birthday, here is a link to one of Matt's best Roman romances: A Seacoast in Bohemia. Never will I forget his description of an Eastern bishop as "Tsar Nicholas II dressed as a disco ball."
"After an incongruous and short interlude passing through the closed-down gift-shop, we began to burrow into the earth, under pale stony arches and past faded frescoes of St. Clement’s legendary tomb beneath the waves. It had stood visible at low tide on the shores of the Crimea and the images showed processions back and forth full of candles, gleaming lamps and mitred pomp, just as we were doing. An amusement to postmodernists, life imitating art—but for us it was simply life as usual, the endless interwoven Celtic-knotwork world of Catholicism where history and reality blurred into one seamless whole."
Ah, when will he publish the book?
My friend Alex sent me the violin part for Mozart's Sinfonia Concertante, which is a wonderful richly layered piece that - well, it's like a double concerto for violin and viola, but it's a symphony at the same time - the orchestra part is so involved that it could stand on its own much of the time. Anyway, when Alex gets back from his super-intense music camp we're going to play it together. Yay!
Brian changed the name of his blog to In Pectore: Annúlond. This made me realize that I had forgotten to link to him. Fixed that! Go read his post on the theology of Middle Earth and the Elvish neologisms he created to express said theology. It is lovely.
There is now another Belloc text on the Blackmask site: The Historic Thames. Good thick English history.
It [the White Tower] was handed over to Louis of France upon his landing, and during the next reign almost every misfortune of Henry III. is connected with the Tower. He was perpetually taking refuge in it, holding his Court in it: losing it again, as the rebels succeeded, and regaining it as they failed. This long and unfortunate tenure of his is illumined only by one or two delightful phrases which one cannot but retain as one reads. Thus there is the little written order, which still remains to us for the putting of painted windows into the Chapel of St John, the northern one of which was to have for its design “some little Mary or other, holding her Child”—“quandam Mariolam tenenten puerum suum.” There is also a very pleasing legend in the same year, 1241, when the fall of certain new buildings was ascribed to the action of St. Thomas, who was seen by a priest in a dream upsetting them with his crozier and saying that he did this “as a good citizen of London, because these new buildings were not put up for the defence of the realm but to overawe the town,” and he added this charming remark: “If I had not undertaken the duty myself St. Edward or another would have done it.”
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Poetry imPlosion
This from Wonderblossom sums up everything I hate about modern po-biz.
Here are some things my poetry workshops taught me to avoid like the plague:
End rhyme
Perfect rhyme
Abstractions, particularly emotional abstractions
Adjectives (permissible in moderation)
Adverbs (see above)
Latinate words
Tidy, resolved, or satisfying endings
Religion, unless heavily tempered by irony
Here are some things that I learned would almost always go over not too badly:
Blank verse
Chickens (don't ask)
Gyah!!! I could spend an hour tearing this to shreds, but it's midnight, and the fallacies on display are pretty obvious...
Here are some things my poetry workshops taught me to avoid like the plague:
End rhyme
Perfect rhyme
Abstractions, particularly emotional abstractions
Adjectives (permissible in moderation)
Adverbs (see above)
Latinate words
Tidy, resolved, or satisfying endings
Religion, unless heavily tempered by irony
Here are some things that I learned would almost always go over not too badly:
Blank verse
Chickens (don't ask)
Gyah!!! I could spend an hour tearing this to shreds, but it's midnight, and the fallacies on display are pretty obvious...
You Know You're an Orch Dork When...
Heh! I got this off of Violinist.com. Scary how many I fit...
You Know You're an Orch Dork When...
-You buy light colored shirts to avoid rosin stains
-You get together with your friends and in the midst of deciding what to do, you find yourselves playing chamber music
-You don't go out on weekends because "you have an audition" the next day...or even orch dorkier, a rehearsal
-You buy things like cookie cutters and pasta in the shape of musical notes and instruments -You've put Tchaikovsky's birthday on your calendar
-You know every viola joke by heart
-When you think about it, you really don’t think the viola jokes are that funny because you know that they are all so TRUE
-You know what a Hammered Dulcimer is
-You have separate buddy lists...one for orch dorks and one for "regular people"
-You know the words to the choral version of The 1812 Overture
-You know that there is a choral version of The 1812 Overture
-You go to parties and people direct you right to the "orch dork corner"
-You've decorated the inside of your case...with things that pertain to music
-You know what an Austrian 6th chord is
-You don't mind getting up at 7 on Saturdays
-You carry around a pocket music dictionary...and read it just for fun
-You've named your instrument
-The highlight of your New Year's is the Mostly Mozart concert
-You follow along in the score when you listen to classical music
-You own scores
-You know what a hemidemisemiquaver is
-You find some way to incorporate music into all of your school research papers
-During your homework breaks you practice Shostakovich string quartets for fun
-You correct your friends when they call pieces "songs"
-You can draw various instruments on your etch-a-sketch
-You carry around a nail clipper
-You read program notes
-You play along with Mahler symphonies on the kazoo
-You know how to pronounce Dohnanyi
-You have friends with screen names like Carlpebach and CadenzaV2
-You sing Beethoven/Tchaikovsky symphonies in parts for fun
-You have random spasms which cause you to play Copland’s Rodeo
-You take up badminton to try and get your mind off your depression caused by orchestra ending for the year
-You see seating auditions as a social gathering
-You avoid gym volleyball to avoid hurting your fingers
-You can play the first and second violin parts of Tchaik 4 on cue
-You ask for reeds/bows/rosin/mutes for Christmas...and then cry when you don't get them
-You have a conniption when people clap between movements
-You start off conversations with things like, “The funniest thing happened last night during my 11 measures rest in the second movement of the Tchaikovsky...”
-When you come to a rut in the conversation, you show off your perfect pitch skills by singing A 440 to break the tension
-You protect your hands at all costs...except in the case of Egyptian ratscrew (?)
-The Shar catalog in the mail brightens your day
-You have Shar on speed dial
-You have a fit in choir when people don't cut off at the right time
-Your graduation (birthday, etc) party guest list contains more orch dorks than people from your school
-Shine is your favorite movie
-Whenever you're in school you think about how an orch dork school would be so much cooler
-You make fun of community choirs full of 70 year olds for fun
-You know Mozart's full name
-You get a copy of BMG's Encore Magazine twice a month
-You judge people's coolness by how well they can hoe-down
-You go nuts when you hear the school bell go off because you try to figure out what pitch it is
-You dance along with your “Dr. Beat”
-The A440 has gone off on your pocket metronome in the middle of English class
-You have inadvertently referred to Saturday as “audition day”
-You know all the tempo indications of the Beethoven symphonies and which conducters adhere the most strictly to them...
-You can play any given excerpt from Mozart's Haffner in your sleep. In fact, sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night to find yourself practicing the opening d octaves...
-You'd rather put a neon light on your music stand than on your honda.
-You've made more than 1 of your non-music friends watch The Red Violin because YOU thought it was cool. (Well, I make everyone listen to the soundtrack. Does that count?)
-Someone asks you what car you drive, and you respond: "Kreisler"
-You jump up and shout "That's the Verdi Missa de Requiem!" when you hear it on an SUV commercial.
-You just saw Master & Commander, and immediately wanted to play the cool Boccherini piece.
You Know You're an Orch Dork When...
-You buy light colored shirts to avoid rosin stains
-You get together with your friends and in the midst of deciding what to do, you find yourselves playing chamber music
-You don't go out on weekends because "you have an audition" the next day...or even orch dorkier, a rehearsal
-You buy things like cookie cutters and pasta in the shape of musical notes and instruments -You've put Tchaikovsky's birthday on your calendar
-You know every viola joke by heart
-When you think about it, you really don’t think the viola jokes are that funny because you know that they are all so TRUE
-You know what a Hammered Dulcimer is
-You have separate buddy lists...one for orch dorks and one for "regular people"
-You know the words to the choral version of The 1812 Overture
-You know that there is a choral version of The 1812 Overture
-You go to parties and people direct you right to the "orch dork corner"
-You've decorated the inside of your case...with things that pertain to music
-You know what an Austrian 6th chord is
-You don't mind getting up at 7 on Saturdays
-You carry around a pocket music dictionary...and read it just for fun
-You've named your instrument
-The highlight of your New Year's is the Mostly Mozart concert
-You follow along in the score when you listen to classical music
-You own scores
-You know what a hemidemisemiquaver is
-You find some way to incorporate music into all of your school research papers
-During your homework breaks you practice Shostakovich string quartets for fun
-You correct your friends when they call pieces "songs"
-You can draw various instruments on your etch-a-sketch
-You carry around a nail clipper
-You read program notes
-You play along with Mahler symphonies on the kazoo
-You know how to pronounce Dohnanyi
-You have friends with screen names like Carlpebach and CadenzaV2
-You sing Beethoven/Tchaikovsky symphonies in parts for fun
-You have random spasms which cause you to play Copland’s Rodeo
-You take up badminton to try and get your mind off your depression caused by orchestra ending for the year
-You see seating auditions as a social gathering
-You avoid gym volleyball to avoid hurting your fingers
-You can play the first and second violin parts of Tchaik 4 on cue
-You ask for reeds/bows/rosin/mutes for Christmas...and then cry when you don't get them
-You have a conniption when people clap between movements
-You start off conversations with things like, “The funniest thing happened last night during my 11 measures rest in the second movement of the Tchaikovsky...”
-When you come to a rut in the conversation, you show off your perfect pitch skills by singing A 440 to break the tension
-You protect your hands at all costs...except in the case of Egyptian ratscrew (?)
-The Shar catalog in the mail brightens your day
-You have Shar on speed dial
-You have a fit in choir when people don't cut off at the right time
-Your graduation (birthday, etc) party guest list contains more orch dorks than people from your school
-Shine is your favorite movie
-Whenever you're in school you think about how an orch dork school would be so much cooler
-You make fun of community choirs full of 70 year olds for fun
-You know Mozart's full name
-You get a copy of BMG's Encore Magazine twice a month
-You judge people's coolness by how well they can hoe-down
-You go nuts when you hear the school bell go off because you try to figure out what pitch it is
-You dance along with your “Dr. Beat”
-The A440 has gone off on your pocket metronome in the middle of English class
-You have inadvertently referred to Saturday as “audition day”
-You know all the tempo indications of the Beethoven symphonies and which conducters adhere the most strictly to them...
-You can play any given excerpt from Mozart's Haffner in your sleep. In fact, sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night to find yourself practicing the opening d octaves...
-You'd rather put a neon light on your music stand than on your honda.
-You've made more than 1 of your non-music friends watch The Red Violin because YOU thought it was cool. (Well, I make everyone listen to the soundtrack. Does that count?)
-Someone asks you what car you drive, and you respond: "Kreisler"
-You jump up and shout "That's the Verdi Missa de Requiem!" when you hear it on an SUV commercial.
-You just saw Master & Commander, and immediately wanted to play the cool Boccherini piece.
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Le Sabot Post-Moderne On Romanticism
Whilst poking around in the archives of Le Sabot Post-Moderne, I found this striking post:
Christianity -- A Religion for the Romantic
We prayed together as a group today, and I thought afterward about the words we spoke. Christianity seems to me to be the last bastion for the romantic, for those with OJ Berman's "streak of the poet."
In our postmodern, irony-soaked world, where else does one utter words like duty, dedication, sacrifice, holy, courage, boldness, Calling, King, grace, or honor, and do so without irony? In the community of faith we speak these words with facility, when even in a military context they often sound archaic or awkward these days. The South still retains something of this spirit, but its unique identity is waning. The real respository of the poetic spirit is in the Church, and I consider it an honor to be a part of it.
The comment box takes the thought further:
Just to quibble, I like "poetic" much more than "romantic", as the latter has always had overtones of fancy and unreality. Your point is a wonderful one though. The church is also the only place where people get together to make music on our society, generally speaking.
-Paul Baxter
I was just thinking today how much our culture has lost its taste for truly romantic language. I mentioned to a group of teens that my wife is pretty. They thought it was funny that I would use the word "pretty." I guess they would think it's hip to be more aloof and only use words like "hot" or "sexy." I hadn't thought of it in the context of the church, but you're right...the language of the church is romantic too...
I chose the word deliberately, though I think your choice is a very suitable one as well. I'm thinking of the feeling a boy gets reading "Charge of the Light Brigade" for the first time and imagining himself in the battle. That sort of romantic sentiment is alien to our daily lives these days, outside of the church. In the church one can still get excited about having mission and fighting the Good Fight.
Obviously the word comes with overtones of 19th C smarminess, but I'm still not willing to surrender it. :)
And just think, "pretty" is one of the more neutral words. Imagine if you had called her "lovely" or "gracious."
I had not thought of this. Neat.
Just saw "Master and Commander" -- don't know if you have the opportunity, but if you do, by all means take it in (this from someone who sees three new movies in a good year.) That movie portrays just what you're saying here. A naval frigate is a beautiful, graceful thing -- and it's made for blowing people and stuff up and making them bleed all over the deck, and also for gaining victory for King and Kingdom. There is something highly "romantic" about 19th century naval warfare, even when it is not sugar-coated, something that is lost in a church culture that is *all* about inviting people in for coffee and singing songs with guitars and then hugging each other. That "something," whatever it is, is felt in moments as you described, but I think needs to be recovered to a greater degree.
I loved this post, but I wasn't sure if its insight, well, made any difference. It is thrilling to realize that the Church is the "last bastion for romantics" - I keep gleefully promoting the Romantic and Imaginative Theology site in the hope that it will jar people into that realization. But how many heathen Romantics are there to entice into our bastion? Cynical postmodern culture is no more Romantic than it is Christian. The Romantic longing, that instinctual - and I venture to say, un-killable - desire of the human heart remains: look at the success of Tolkien's great Romance, in both book and film. Some of the fans miss the point entirely: those infuriating people who write slash fiction about Sam and Frodo, or Wiccans and pagans who think it's all some sort of eco-manifesto... But the larger problem is the inability to carry over concepts like "duty, dedication, sacrifice, holy, courage, boldness, Calling, King, grace, honor, lovely, gracious" into "real life." They grasp the thread of Romance, but do not follow it...
The seed of faith inside of us that Romanticism awakens will only be brought to light by an encounter with the full Truth... Lewis's heart was prepared by Phantastes and Wagner and myth and Northernness, but he needed Tolkien to tell him what it was all about. We have to play Tolkien to our neighbor's Lewis, or all our subtlety will be wasted. And now I have - for the moment - exhausted my thoughts on this elusive and numinous subject.
Christianity -- A Religion for the Romantic
We prayed together as a group today, and I thought afterward about the words we spoke. Christianity seems to me to be the last bastion for the romantic, for those with OJ Berman's "streak of the poet."
In our postmodern, irony-soaked world, where else does one utter words like duty, dedication, sacrifice, holy, courage, boldness, Calling, King, grace, or honor, and do so without irony? In the community of faith we speak these words with facility, when even in a military context they often sound archaic or awkward these days. The South still retains something of this spirit, but its unique identity is waning. The real respository of the poetic spirit is in the Church, and I consider it an honor to be a part of it.
The comment box takes the thought further:
Just to quibble, I like "poetic" much more than "romantic", as the latter has always had overtones of fancy and unreality. Your point is a wonderful one though. The church is also the only place where people get together to make music on our society, generally speaking.
-Paul Baxter
I was just thinking today how much our culture has lost its taste for truly romantic language. I mentioned to a group of teens that my wife is pretty. They thought it was funny that I would use the word "pretty." I guess they would think it's hip to be more aloof and only use words like "hot" or "sexy." I hadn't thought of it in the context of the church, but you're right...the language of the church is romantic too...
I chose the word deliberately, though I think your choice is a very suitable one as well. I'm thinking of the feeling a boy gets reading "Charge of the Light Brigade" for the first time and imagining himself in the battle. That sort of romantic sentiment is alien to our daily lives these days, outside of the church. In the church one can still get excited about having mission and fighting the Good Fight.
Obviously the word comes with overtones of 19th C smarminess, but I'm still not willing to surrender it. :)
And just think, "pretty" is one of the more neutral words. Imagine if you had called her "lovely" or "gracious."
I had not thought of this. Neat.
Just saw "Master and Commander" -- don't know if you have the opportunity, but if you do, by all means take it in (this from someone who sees three new movies in a good year.) That movie portrays just what you're saying here. A naval frigate is a beautiful, graceful thing -- and it's made for blowing people and stuff up and making them bleed all over the deck, and also for gaining victory for King and Kingdom. There is something highly "romantic" about 19th century naval warfare, even when it is not sugar-coated, something that is lost in a church culture that is *all* about inviting people in for coffee and singing songs with guitars and then hugging each other. That "something," whatever it is, is felt in moments as you described, but I think needs to be recovered to a greater degree.
I loved this post, but I wasn't sure if its insight, well, made any difference. It is thrilling to realize that the Church is the "last bastion for romantics" - I keep gleefully promoting the Romantic and Imaginative Theology site in the hope that it will jar people into that realization. But how many heathen Romantics are there to entice into our bastion? Cynical postmodern culture is no more Romantic than it is Christian. The Romantic longing, that instinctual - and I venture to say, un-killable - desire of the human heart remains: look at the success of Tolkien's great Romance, in both book and film. Some of the fans miss the point entirely: those infuriating people who write slash fiction about Sam and Frodo, or Wiccans and pagans who think it's all some sort of eco-manifesto... But the larger problem is the inability to carry over concepts like "duty, dedication, sacrifice, holy, courage, boldness, Calling, King, grace, honor, lovely, gracious" into "real life." They grasp the thread of Romance, but do not follow it...
The seed of faith inside of us that Romanticism awakens will only be brought to light by an encounter with the full Truth... Lewis's heart was prepared by Phantastes and Wagner and myth and Northernness, but he needed Tolkien to tell him what it was all about. We have to play Tolkien to our neighbor's Lewis, or all our subtlety will be wasted. And now I have - for the moment - exhausted my thoughts on this elusive and numinous subject.
Speaking of Chartres...
My friend has a friend who went on the Chartres pilgrimage this year. She just sent her a series of excerpts from her journal, which I thought made for inspiring and delicious reading. There are vignettes of Nevers, Lourdes, La Salette and Laus as well - it's an epic shrine crawl. Hmmmm, more places I have to visit someday...
Sketches from a Pilgrim's Journal
By Marcelle McGuirk
It's really sad to think that the pilgrimage is over. I've recovered from
jet-lag, my blisters are healing, but the memories haven't faded; they won't for
a long time, if ever. But, looking back on the trip and re-reading my extensive
journal makes me sad to think that it went by so quickly, even as I laugh, smile
fondly, and contemplate the story contained within.
It's a story of pain, suffering, tradition, and friendship. I'm sorry if that
sounds like the review off the back of some crazy romance novel, but it's true.
And I'd like to share some of the story with you....
Paris-- Day 3, Friday, May 28, 2004
....At Notre Dame, we [Mr. Matatics, his son Stephen, and myself] met up with
my roommate Teresa Milot, Michael Lohmann and Doug Le Blanc. ....We heard the
organ while we were there, and it was so magnificent. Of course, they had a
front table for the Novus Ordo Masses....
Yes, the table was only the beginning. The confessionals, if you can call them
that, were these glass paneled offices with a large desk and overstuffed leather
furniture. Basically, what one would imagine a typical traditional law office to
look like. There was only one prominent crucifix in the entire church. I do not
mean to disillusion anyone, but frankly, I was greatly disappointed with Notre
Dame. It was nothing more than a tourists' trap that resembled a church. I
couldn't wait until we overran the place the following morning.
So, Notre Dame was disappointing, but Mr. Matatics took us on a quick tour of
the surrounding churches before dinner. One of them happened to be St.
Nicholas', which is the SSPX church in Paris. Their church was gorgeous! Instead
of just wearing my chapel veil out of respect like in the other churches, I felt
a real need to wear it. You could feel the Presence of Our Lord in that church
compared to the emptiness of the others. It was such an overwhelming feeling
that I couldn't bring myself to even take a single photograph. I felt like it
would be sacrilegious to do so. Yes, this was the House of God, and thankfully
remained so despite the obvious godlessness of the rest of the city. It was
truly the calm in the eye of the storm!
Paris to Chartes-- Day 4-6, May 29-31, 2004
....We all arrived in the square at Notre Dame at about 7am. We loaded our
large luggage onto the trucks and then entered the cathedral. We were only
allowed to have a prayer service in Notre Dame, but not Mass...
Yes, we possibly couldn't expose any unsuspecting tourist to the Latin Mass,
or, I gasp at the thought, to Tradition!!! The prayer service is a start,
though, and at least once every year for about 45 minutes, the cathedral is used
once again for it's true purpose. It was really amazing to hear the voices of so
many people singing the traditional hymns of France. It began to stir the embers
of hope in my heart, and I began to realise that we are not alone in this fight.
....On Monday, we crested this hill, and I was able to get a photograph of all
the brigades behind us. It was really amazing, because they went as far as the
eye could see....
There are people out there like us, who hold the same truths and values, and
who are willing to suffer much for the honourable cause of Tradition. The line
of pilgrims reaching beyond the horizon was testimony to that. Many of those
pilgrims were children as well. They might not yet realise it, but they are our
future and we are fighting not only for our sakes but for theirs as well. We're
holding on to Tradition because it is right and true, but also because if we
don't hold on what will be left for our children?
So, we all made it to Monday. Some of us, including myself, did have to take
the bus on occasion. I know that for me, though, it was a needed lesson in
humility. But, despite that, I do not think I heard a single complaint from
anyone. We were all set on just offering up our sufferings for our sponsors or
other intentions joyfully and without complaint. The only comment that I heard,
from an anonymous source, that might have resembled a complaint was that
supposedly, "Mr. Matt snores like a buzz saw all night long." But, I will not
comment on that remark at this time....
....At about 2pm, we got our first full glimpse of Chartres cathedral.... We
finally got to Chartres at about 3pm, and let me tell you, it's larger than
Notre Dame! It was so huge and ornate, and Mass was utterly beautiful....
Chartres was amazing. It truly took my breath away. Even though I was behind a
very large pillar, just finally being in the cathedral brought tears to my eyes.
The splendor and glory of the middle ages being revisited as the Latin Mass was
being offered between its walls once more was overwhelming. And then, at the
end of Mass hearing the triumphant sound of fifteen thousand voices rising to
sing the hymn Chez Nous Soyez Reine was magnificent! Those embers of hope were
now a full fledged blaze, and I intend to keep it that way!
Seventy-eight long and hard miles, half a day of rain, three large blisters,
two pulled arches, and three whole days of sweat, blood, tears, and most of all
good, clean, wholesome fun! Even after all of that, we were all talking about
how to manage coming back again next year over dinner! And the muscle pain
hadn't even subsided yet!! Some would say that we are crazy, but my response is
that being a bit crazy is a prerequisite for being Traditional Catholic!!
Nevers- Day 7, Tuesday, June 1, 2004
....We got to stay in the mother house of the Sisters of Charity. It is the
same convent that St. Bernadette was in, and her body is in the chapel here!....
It was really amazing to see her lying incorrupt. She looked so peaceful and
beautiful.... It truly is an on-going miracle like Father McDonald said....
Saint Bernadette was amazing. She is perfectly incorrupt. Certainly, I have
seen pictures of her before, but there is nothing like seeing her in person. Her
face has a look of perfect serenity, and I can only begin to imagine the glory
that she is enjoying now that makes her look so peaceful. As she lies there in
her casket, it almost reminds you of Snow White, but just a holier and more
beautiful version.
La Salette- Day 8, Wednesday, June 2, 2004
....After breakfast, a few of us went to see the original chapel, which was
up this steep slope. ....It was so incredibly high.... It really was a
breath-taking sight.... After Mass, Mr. Matatics gave us a tour and we were
able to drink out of the spring....
I can see why Our Lady chose to appear on this plateau in the middle of the
Alps. It is utterly gorgeous! It is also a perfect place for meditation. Since
the nearest town is at the bottom of the plateau, the only sound you hear is
that of the wind sweeping the clouds among the mountains. And what a way to
contemplate the glories of God! It puts you in your place to stand atop a
mountain and as far as the eye can see there are more and more larger mountains.
It truly puts into perspective our insignificance and how foolish we are in our
Ah, and then there was the spring. I have never tasted water like it. It was so
pure and refreshing, and seemed to open all of your senses. After you drink, you
simply have to stop to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and just listen. At
that moment it feels as though you can hear the Voice of God in that terrific
wind, in the rustling grass, or in the trickling fountain. How wonderful it is
to know that He is always there speaking to us, despite the fact that so few of
us actually take the time to listen!
Laus- Day 9-10, June 3-4, 2004
....We were given a verbal tour of the shrine. The old French pastor told us
the story of Benoit and her apparitions of Our Lady. ....He seemed to have a
lot of fun acting out the story....
Yes, the French priest, who Father McDonald had to translate for, had a ton of
fun acting out the story of Benoit. It was really quite hilarious as he jumped
and yelled in fright in imitation of Benoit's reaction to seeing Our Lady. Ah,
but sadly he had to chastise all of us.
"You Americans," he said, "you make the Sign of the Cross so hurriedly!" He
demonstrated how we always seem to quickly make the Sign of the Cross. "You act
as though you are embarrassed of it! The Sign of the Cross is a devotion in and
of itself. It should be done slowly and reverently. In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen." I do not think that I have ever
seen it done more reverently. I was ashamed of myself. I could remember
countless times that I would make the Sign of the Cross so hurriedly and without
care. Then it occurred to me that by making that sign we are professing
ourselves to be Christians. We are professing our belief in Christ and His death
for us on the cross. How ashamed I was to have never given it any thought!
Later that day we had the Remnant Forum. Mr. Matt, Mr. Ferrara, Mr. Matatics,
and Fr. McDonald all gave talks. It really was a great experience to hear the
great intellectuals of the Traditional movement speak. But what was funny was to
play charades with them all later that night. I was fairly surprised throughout
the pilgrimage thus far, because they all were great jokers and knew how to have
a great time. I guess I was under the very naive impression that these great
minds only sat around and thought deep thoughts all day long. How wrong I was.
They all did absolutely crazy things all the time, and especially when we played
charades!! I believe that from now on instead of going into revered silence at
the mention of their names, I will probably burst out laughing instead due to
their antics!
Lourdes- Day 11-12, June 5-6, 2004
....At dinner we had a surprise, because Michael Davies joined us.... It
was really cool that he was able to join us at Lourdes....
Ed. note: Please pray for Michael Davies, everyone. He has cancer; it is very
serious and he may not have very much time left. Miserere ei, Domine.
It was an honour to be able to meet Mr. Michael Davies. At first we were told
that he wasn't coming at all, which really disappointed a lot of us. So, it was
a very nice surprise when we were finally able to meet him!
While we were at Lourdes, we went to the baths. When I went in, they had
brought a girl of about 12 years old in on a stretcher. It was very saddening to
see her lying there, barely conscious of what was going on around her. It was
clear that this poor girl, whose name was Julie, had never even walked before.
Her feet were turned in on themselves, and her legs were as thin as rails, the
muscles having never been developed. Ah, and the sisters were so kind and gentle
with her. It was clear to see that they did not view the twisted body of the
girl, but rather her soul. To them she was one of God's Children, and their job
was to help to keep her soul in perfect condition for Him. And even if she was
not cured by Our Lady at Lourdes, it was certain at least that her soul would
receive many graces from Our Lady.
Yes, that poor little girl was truly at God's mercy and accepted it. Unlike so
many of us who turn our backs on Him. At the same time that girl was there, I
saw a woman who clearly needed to be cleansed spiritually. She was in line
behind me, and she used foul language when speaking to her friends. She was
covered in tattoos, had piercings, and was clothed immodestly. How I prayed when
I saw her, that her soul would be open to the graces available to her!! And
then, at the last possible moment she told her friends that she couldn't do it.
She wouldn't bathe in the waters. My soul cried out for that woman. She was
turning her back on Our Lady! How different she was from Julie the little
Later, though, I was reminded of a line from The Sound of Music. "Wherever God
closes a door, He always opens a window," the Mother Superior told Maria at the
abbey. And how true that is! For, walking back towards our hotel from the
basilica, I saw the same woman walking towards the springs with two very large
containers for water! She may just receive those graces yet!!!
....On the last night, after dinner, we all went down to the meeting room for
Fr. McDonald to bless all of our things. After the blessings, Mr. Davies gave a
short talk on apparitions.... When that was over, we had a talent show. ....Mr.
Matt sang a sad western song called "Ringo.".... Then, Mr. Ferrara and Mr.
Matatics did an improv skit, where Mr. Ferrara was a reporter from "Outside the
Vatican" and Mr. Matatics was a Cardinal who was trying to stop the Traditional
movement. Unsuccessfully, of course. .... [Ed.: Bwa ha ha!!!]
The talent show was quite a success. We had some serious skits and then some
that were utterly ridiculous, such as Stephen Matatics' and Tim Strandquist's
performance of "Harvey the Wonder Hamster." Oh boy, I can just hear their
disagreement at that last comment! :-)
Another thing that struck me about our "great intellectuals of the Traditional
movement" is their humility! I'm not even as half as smart as they are and I
still struggle with that virtue! For instance, when I told Mr. Davies that I was
honoured to finally meet him, his response blew me away. He simply said "Oh
nonsense! It's nothing at all, really." with that wonderful British accent. None
of them flaunt the fact that they have published books, are relatively famous,
and have more knowledge crammed into their cranium than most people I know! They
just accept their gift and use it when necessary. They are all truly role models
to look up to.
....After the talent show, we headed for the grotto. The grotto was beautiful
at night. The spring was lit up, as well as the statue of Our Lady, that was in
the spot where the Blessed Mother had appeared. Then, there was this great
pillar of candles that sent flickering light everywhere....
It was absolutely beautiful. It was late so there was hardly any one there. As
I knelt looking up towards Our Lady and prayed, I felt as though I was going
back in time. It was silent except for the river rushing on behind me, and I
could almost imagine kneeling next to St. Bernadette as she received the
visions. My gaze focused on the statue of Our Lady, who stood with her hands
folded and her eyes lifted imploringly towards Heaven. How beautiful the statue
was! But then, I knew that she is a million times more radiant than any statue I
will ever see. Kneeling in that holy spot brought an overwhelming sense of joy
to my heart. How much Our Lady must love us, if she would leave Heaven to speak
to us. She would willingly leave the Beatific Vision, so that she could give her
message to us. And how unworthy we are of that privilege, yet she came!
I am glad that I spent my last night at the grotto. It was a good way to close
an awesome trip. The 2004 Chartres Pilgrimage is certainly an event in my life
that I will never forget. I have made many friends, and seen some of the holiest
places in France. I would like to thank all ten of my sponsors for their kind
support! I never could have done it without them, and I will continue to pray
for them daily! Also, I would like to thank Mr. Matt for his tireless efforts in
putting the trip together, Mr. Davies for his enthusiasm and support, Mr.
Matatics for being a terrific tour guide (even though he walks a bit fast! :-) ),
and Mr. Ferrara for his constant smiles and jokes. Also, a huge thanks to Father
McDonald for his spiritual guidance and daily offering of the Latin Mass.
So, those of you who have yet to go to Chartes, start writing those letters
now! I can't say enough about this trip and I recommend it to all, especially
the young people like me. We all need to be reminded that there are people our
age out there who are fighting for Tradition and who hold the same values. I
know that my heart is full of hope for our future and the future of the
Traditional movement. I don't feel alone in the fight anymore. Besides, with
Christ at our side, the "remnant" will survive!!! Viva Christo Rey!
Ed. Note: My friend tells me that this piece will be published in the Remnant magazine - so I suppose some of you will be reading it twice! Peace out...
Sketches from a Pilgrim's Journal
By Marcelle McGuirk
It's really sad to think that the pilgrimage is over. I've recovered from
jet-lag, my blisters are healing, but the memories haven't faded; they won't for
a long time, if ever. But, looking back on the trip and re-reading my extensive
journal makes me sad to think that it went by so quickly, even as I laugh, smile
fondly, and contemplate the story contained within.
It's a story of pain, suffering, tradition, and friendship. I'm sorry if that
sounds like the review off the back of some crazy romance novel, but it's true.
And I'd like to share some of the story with you....
Paris-- Day 3, Friday, May 28, 2004
....At Notre Dame, we [Mr. Matatics, his son Stephen, and myself] met up with
my roommate Teresa Milot, Michael Lohmann and Doug Le Blanc. ....We heard the
organ while we were there, and it was so magnificent. Of course, they had a
front table for the Novus Ordo Masses....
Yes, the table was only the beginning. The confessionals, if you can call them
that, were these glass paneled offices with a large desk and overstuffed leather
furniture. Basically, what one would imagine a typical traditional law office to
look like. There was only one prominent crucifix in the entire church. I do not
mean to disillusion anyone, but frankly, I was greatly disappointed with Notre
Dame. It was nothing more than a tourists' trap that resembled a church. I
couldn't wait until we overran the place the following morning.
So, Notre Dame was disappointing, but Mr. Matatics took us on a quick tour of
the surrounding churches before dinner. One of them happened to be St.
Nicholas', which is the SSPX church in Paris. Their church was gorgeous! Instead
of just wearing my chapel veil out of respect like in the other churches, I felt
a real need to wear it. You could feel the Presence of Our Lord in that church
compared to the emptiness of the others. It was such an overwhelming feeling
that I couldn't bring myself to even take a single photograph. I felt like it
would be sacrilegious to do so. Yes, this was the House of God, and thankfully
remained so despite the obvious godlessness of the rest of the city. It was
truly the calm in the eye of the storm!
Paris to Chartes-- Day 4-6, May 29-31, 2004
....We all arrived in the square at Notre Dame at about 7am. We loaded our
large luggage onto the trucks and then entered the cathedral. We were only
allowed to have a prayer service in Notre Dame, but not Mass...
Yes, we possibly couldn't expose any unsuspecting tourist to the Latin Mass,
or, I gasp at the thought, to Tradition!!! The prayer service is a start,
though, and at least once every year for about 45 minutes, the cathedral is used
once again for it's true purpose. It was really amazing to hear the voices of so
many people singing the traditional hymns of France. It began to stir the embers
of hope in my heart, and I began to realise that we are not alone in this fight.
....On Monday, we crested this hill, and I was able to get a photograph of all
the brigades behind us. It was really amazing, because they went as far as the
eye could see....
There are people out there like us, who hold the same truths and values, and
who are willing to suffer much for the honourable cause of Tradition. The line
of pilgrims reaching beyond the horizon was testimony to that. Many of those
pilgrims were children as well. They might not yet realise it, but they are our
future and we are fighting not only for our sakes but for theirs as well. We're
holding on to Tradition because it is right and true, but also because if we
don't hold on what will be left for our children?
So, we all made it to Monday. Some of us, including myself, did have to take
the bus on occasion. I know that for me, though, it was a needed lesson in
humility. But, despite that, I do not think I heard a single complaint from
anyone. We were all set on just offering up our sufferings for our sponsors or
other intentions joyfully and without complaint. The only comment that I heard,
from an anonymous source, that might have resembled a complaint was that
supposedly, "Mr. Matt snores like a buzz saw all night long." But, I will not
comment on that remark at this time....
....At about 2pm, we got our first full glimpse of Chartres cathedral.... We
finally got to Chartres at about 3pm, and let me tell you, it's larger than
Notre Dame! It was so huge and ornate, and Mass was utterly beautiful....
Chartres was amazing. It truly took my breath away. Even though I was behind a
very large pillar, just finally being in the cathedral brought tears to my eyes.
The splendor and glory of the middle ages being revisited as the Latin Mass was
being offered between its walls once more was overwhelming. And then, at the
end of Mass hearing the triumphant sound of fifteen thousand voices rising to
sing the hymn Chez Nous Soyez Reine was magnificent! Those embers of hope were
now a full fledged blaze, and I intend to keep it that way!
Seventy-eight long and hard miles, half a day of rain, three large blisters,
two pulled arches, and three whole days of sweat, blood, tears, and most of all
good, clean, wholesome fun! Even after all of that, we were all talking about
how to manage coming back again next year over dinner! And the muscle pain
hadn't even subsided yet!! Some would say that we are crazy, but my response is
that being a bit crazy is a prerequisite for being Traditional Catholic!!
Nevers- Day 7, Tuesday, June 1, 2004
....We got to stay in the mother house of the Sisters of Charity. It is the
same convent that St. Bernadette was in, and her body is in the chapel here!....
It was really amazing to see her lying incorrupt. She looked so peaceful and
beautiful.... It truly is an on-going miracle like Father McDonald said....
Saint Bernadette was amazing. She is perfectly incorrupt. Certainly, I have
seen pictures of her before, but there is nothing like seeing her in person. Her
face has a look of perfect serenity, and I can only begin to imagine the glory
that she is enjoying now that makes her look so peaceful. As she lies there in
her casket, it almost reminds you of Snow White, but just a holier and more
beautiful version.
La Salette- Day 8, Wednesday, June 2, 2004
....After breakfast, a few of us went to see the original chapel, which was
up this steep slope. ....It was so incredibly high.... It really was a
breath-taking sight.... After Mass, Mr. Matatics gave us a tour and we were
able to drink out of the spring....
I can see why Our Lady chose to appear on this plateau in the middle of the
Alps. It is utterly gorgeous! It is also a perfect place for meditation. Since
the nearest town is at the bottom of the plateau, the only sound you hear is
that of the wind sweeping the clouds among the mountains. And what a way to
contemplate the glories of God! It puts you in your place to stand atop a
mountain and as far as the eye can see there are more and more larger mountains.
It truly puts into perspective our insignificance and how foolish we are in our
Ah, and then there was the spring. I have never tasted water like it. It was so
pure and refreshing, and seemed to open all of your senses. After you drink, you
simply have to stop to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and just listen. At
that moment it feels as though you can hear the Voice of God in that terrific
wind, in the rustling grass, or in the trickling fountain. How wonderful it is
to know that He is always there speaking to us, despite the fact that so few of
us actually take the time to listen!
Laus- Day 9-10, June 3-4, 2004
....We were given a verbal tour of the shrine. The old French pastor told us
the story of Benoit and her apparitions of Our Lady. ....He seemed to have a
lot of fun acting out the story....
Yes, the French priest, who Father McDonald had to translate for, had a ton of
fun acting out the story of Benoit. It was really quite hilarious as he jumped
and yelled in fright in imitation of Benoit's reaction to seeing Our Lady. Ah,
but sadly he had to chastise all of us.
"You Americans," he said, "you make the Sign of the Cross so hurriedly!" He
demonstrated how we always seem to quickly make the Sign of the Cross. "You act
as though you are embarrassed of it! The Sign of the Cross is a devotion in and
of itself. It should be done slowly and reverently. In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen." I do not think that I have ever
seen it done more reverently. I was ashamed of myself. I could remember
countless times that I would make the Sign of the Cross so hurriedly and without
care. Then it occurred to me that by making that sign we are professing
ourselves to be Christians. We are professing our belief in Christ and His death
for us on the cross. How ashamed I was to have never given it any thought!
Later that day we had the Remnant Forum. Mr. Matt, Mr. Ferrara, Mr. Matatics,
and Fr. McDonald all gave talks. It really was a great experience to hear the
great intellectuals of the Traditional movement speak. But what was funny was to
play charades with them all later that night. I was fairly surprised throughout
the pilgrimage thus far, because they all were great jokers and knew how to have
a great time. I guess I was under the very naive impression that these great
minds only sat around and thought deep thoughts all day long. How wrong I was.
They all did absolutely crazy things all the time, and especially when we played
charades!! I believe that from now on instead of going into revered silence at
the mention of their names, I will probably burst out laughing instead due to
their antics!
Lourdes- Day 11-12, June 5-6, 2004
....At dinner we had a surprise, because Michael Davies joined us.... It
was really cool that he was able to join us at Lourdes....
Ed. note: Please pray for Michael Davies, everyone. He has cancer; it is very
serious and he may not have very much time left. Miserere ei, Domine.
It was an honour to be able to meet Mr. Michael Davies. At first we were told
that he wasn't coming at all, which really disappointed a lot of us. So, it was
a very nice surprise when we were finally able to meet him!
While we were at Lourdes, we went to the baths. When I went in, they had
brought a girl of about 12 years old in on a stretcher. It was very saddening to
see her lying there, barely conscious of what was going on around her. It was
clear that this poor girl, whose name was Julie, had never even walked before.
Her feet were turned in on themselves, and her legs were as thin as rails, the
muscles having never been developed. Ah, and the sisters were so kind and gentle
with her. It was clear to see that they did not view the twisted body of the
girl, but rather her soul. To them she was one of God's Children, and their job
was to help to keep her soul in perfect condition for Him. And even if she was
not cured by Our Lady at Lourdes, it was certain at least that her soul would
receive many graces from Our Lady.
Yes, that poor little girl was truly at God's mercy and accepted it. Unlike so
many of us who turn our backs on Him. At the same time that girl was there, I
saw a woman who clearly needed to be cleansed spiritually. She was in line
behind me, and she used foul language when speaking to her friends. She was
covered in tattoos, had piercings, and was clothed immodestly. How I prayed when
I saw her, that her soul would be open to the graces available to her!! And
then, at the last possible moment she told her friends that she couldn't do it.
She wouldn't bathe in the waters. My soul cried out for that woman. She was
turning her back on Our Lady! How different she was from Julie the little
Later, though, I was reminded of a line from The Sound of Music. "Wherever God
closes a door, He always opens a window," the Mother Superior told Maria at the
abbey. And how true that is! For, walking back towards our hotel from the
basilica, I saw the same woman walking towards the springs with two very large
containers for water! She may just receive those graces yet!!!
....On the last night, after dinner, we all went down to the meeting room for
Fr. McDonald to bless all of our things. After the blessings, Mr. Davies gave a
short talk on apparitions.... When that was over, we had a talent show. ....Mr.
Matt sang a sad western song called "Ringo.".... Then, Mr. Ferrara and Mr.
Matatics did an improv skit, where Mr. Ferrara was a reporter from "Outside the
Vatican" and Mr. Matatics was a Cardinal who was trying to stop the Traditional
movement. Unsuccessfully, of course. .... [Ed.: Bwa ha ha!!!]
The talent show was quite a success. We had some serious skits and then some
that were utterly ridiculous, such as Stephen Matatics' and Tim Strandquist's
performance of "Harvey the Wonder Hamster." Oh boy, I can just hear their
disagreement at that last comment! :-)
Another thing that struck me about our "great intellectuals of the Traditional
movement" is their humility! I'm not even as half as smart as they are and I
still struggle with that virtue! For instance, when I told Mr. Davies that I was
honoured to finally meet him, his response blew me away. He simply said "Oh
nonsense! It's nothing at all, really." with that wonderful British accent. None
of them flaunt the fact that they have published books, are relatively famous,
and have more knowledge crammed into their cranium than most people I know! They
just accept their gift and use it when necessary. They are all truly role models
to look up to.
....After the talent show, we headed for the grotto. The grotto was beautiful
at night. The spring was lit up, as well as the statue of Our Lady, that was in
the spot where the Blessed Mother had appeared. Then, there was this great
pillar of candles that sent flickering light everywhere....
It was absolutely beautiful. It was late so there was hardly any one there. As
I knelt looking up towards Our Lady and prayed, I felt as though I was going
back in time. It was silent except for the river rushing on behind me, and I
could almost imagine kneeling next to St. Bernadette as she received the
visions. My gaze focused on the statue of Our Lady, who stood with her hands
folded and her eyes lifted imploringly towards Heaven. How beautiful the statue
was! But then, I knew that she is a million times more radiant than any statue I
will ever see. Kneeling in that holy spot brought an overwhelming sense of joy
to my heart. How much Our Lady must love us, if she would leave Heaven to speak
to us. She would willingly leave the Beatific Vision, so that she could give her
message to us. And how unworthy we are of that privilege, yet she came!
I am glad that I spent my last night at the grotto. It was a good way to close
an awesome trip. The 2004 Chartres Pilgrimage is certainly an event in my life
that I will never forget. I have made many friends, and seen some of the holiest
places in France. I would like to thank all ten of my sponsors for their kind
support! I never could have done it without them, and I will continue to pray
for them daily! Also, I would like to thank Mr. Matt for his tireless efforts in
putting the trip together, Mr. Davies for his enthusiasm and support, Mr.
Matatics for being a terrific tour guide (even though he walks a bit fast! :-) ),
and Mr. Ferrara for his constant smiles and jokes. Also, a huge thanks to Father
McDonald for his spiritual guidance and daily offering of the Latin Mass.
So, those of you who have yet to go to Chartes, start writing those letters
now! I can't say enough about this trip and I recommend it to all, especially
the young people like me. We all need to be reminded that there are people our
age out there who are fighting for Tradition and who hold the same values. I
know that my heart is full of hope for our future and the future of the
Traditional movement. I don't feel alone in the fight anymore. Besides, with
Christ at our side, the "remnant" will survive!!! Viva Christo Rey!
Ed. Note: My friend tells me that this piece will be published in the Remnant magazine - so I suppose some of you will be reading it twice! Peace out...