Kiss me, I'm Catholic.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

T.S. Eliot wrote Harry Potter?

From Cacciaguida: The Waste Land becomes an HP filk.

What are the plot-threads that clutch, what subplots grow
Out of this pulpy rubbish? Son of James,
You cannot say, or guess, for you know only
Your third-person limited perspective, where your adverbs breed,
And the caps lock gives no shelter, the chapter no relief,
And the seventh book no sign of surcease. Only
There is a horcrux inside this dark cave,
(Come into the waters of this dark cave),
And I will show you something different from either
Your battles fought previous where someone did help you
Or your battles to come which you must face alone;
I will show you fear in a cupful of juice.

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