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Kiss me, I'm Catholic.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Saints in the City
When we were walking through Lower Manhattan, we came upon this little church wedged between two huge skyscrapers. It turned out to be the shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Inside, it was stunningly quiet after the the roar of construction and traffic outside, and I could see the branches of trees swaying and rustling through the stained glass over the altar. A beautiful place - a Eucharistic heart beating silently in the breast of Lower Manhattan.


Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Guess where I was!
I'm really really sorry about the long silence on this blog. There's been so much going on... anyway, I just got back from NEW YORK!!!!!!!
And why was I in New York?
*takes deep breath*
To hear my little sister sing in CARNEGIE HALL, that's why!!!!!!!!!!!
She sang with her choir. My favorite pieces were "Think On Me" (a heart-wrenching poem by Mary Queen of Scots) and "South Sami Song" (a piece by a Norwejian composer which involved some very intense drumming and conjured up visions of vikings rampaging around in their long ships. Very cool!)
We visited the Cloisters on the northern tip of Manhattan and saw the Unicorn Tapestries. Can you believe that this is New York?

My little sister

Me sitting by a window


And why was I in New York?
*takes deep breath*
To hear my little sister sing in CARNEGIE HALL, that's why!!!!!!!!!!!
She sang with her choir. My favorite pieces were "Think On Me" (a heart-wrenching poem by Mary Queen of Scots) and "South Sami Song" (a piece by a Norwejian composer which involved some very intense drumming and conjured up visions of vikings rampaging around in their long ships. Very cool!)
We visited the Cloisters on the northern tip of Manhattan and saw the Unicorn Tapestries. Can you believe that this is New York?

My little sister

Me sitting by a window


Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Jack Chick Buys Garfield?
|Sunday, June 05, 2005
"Then Roland blew his Olifant and really lost his mind!"

Erik Kielholtz should like this one...
From Fiddleback Fever, Bowman the Black's Parody Songs of Roland, to the tune of "The Battle of New Orleans" and "Gaston."
He blew that horn and the Muslims kept a-commin’
There wasn’t quite as many as there was a while ago
He blew once more and they began a-runnin’
O’er Gibralter Rock and down to Morocco!
Must be seen to be believed.